God: My faith is the most important thing in my life. I hold this above all things. The morals and lessons I have learned through my walk of faith are priceless. How I view the world, others and work all stem from the amazing teachings that I have discovered in my life so far.
Family: My family comes only second to God. I am so in love with my wife and children, I cannot even explain it. They bring such joy into my life and I would truly do almost anything to secure their happiness. My favorite moments in life usually involve me walking through the door at the end of the day and being greeted by screams of joy.
Ministry: A value that was installed in me as a child was helping others. This is one of the values that I saw in my wife that made me fall so deeply in live with her. Serving others is such a huge part of the human experience that many miss out on. Even looking at our current world, this value is needed above all things.